Local Organising Committee
Francisco López Varas
Dean of the School of Sports Science and Physical Therapy Faculty
Universidad Europea Madrid
África Calvo Lluch
Dean of the School of Sports Science
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Gerardo Bielons
Chair of the Conference
Director Events GB
Andrea Vicente Hernández
Director’s Assistant Events GB
Scientific and Programme Committee
Tim Breitbarth
Chair (tim.breitbarth@easm.net)
Pablo Burillo
Vice-chair (pablo.burillo@universidadeuropea.es)
Álvaro Fernández
Vice-chair (alvaro.fernandez2@universidadeuropea.es)
Guillaume Bodet
Review Track Chairs
Sport Governance and Policy: Johan Norberg
Strategy, Leadership and Stakeholder Management in Sport: Sven Junghagen
Sport Marketing: Tim Ströbel
Sport Consumer Behaviour: Guillaume Bodet
Sport Events and Tourism: Ruth Crabtree
Sport, Media and Communication: Elisavet Argyro Manoli
E-Sport and Technology: Daniel Lock
Sport Facility Management: Peter Forsberg
Sport Funding and Finance: Christopher Huth
Sport Law and Ethics: Barbara Osborne, Guy Osburn, John Grady, Jens Evald
Public Health and Physical Activity Management: Karin Book
Sport development and Socio-Cultural Perspectives: Siegfried Nagel
Sport Management Education: PG Fahlström
Broader, New and Critical Aspects of Sport Management: Bo Carlsson
Workshops: Tim Breitbarth
Posters: Pablo Burillo
PhD Student Seminar
Chris Horbel (horbel@sam.sdu.dk)
Student Seminar
Jose Bonal
Gerardo Bielons
ESMQ New Researcher Award 2019
Jörg Königstorfer (Chair, joerg.koenigstorfer@tum.de)
Veerle de Bosscher
Paul Downward
Vassil Girginov
Daniel Lock
Tim Pawlowski
Geoff Schoenberg
Simon Shibli
Tracy Taylor
EASM Best Conference Paper Award 2019
Guillaume Bodet (Chair, guillaume.bodet@univ-lyon1.fr)
Karin Book
Leigh Robinson
Álvaro Fernández
EASM Best Conference Reviewer Award 2019
See members of the Scientific and Programme Comittee